David's Blog

Gender identity - some helpful books and articles

Following on from the morning sermon on Sunday March 11th here are some books and online articles that might be helpful for those who want to read  further about the issue of gender identity and the Christian's response not only to the issue but to those wrestling at a personal level. Generally speaking they are written with a view if I may borrow from one of the publishers to helping Christians 'think biblically, act wisely and relate lovingly' when it comes to that response.


Transgender - by Vaughan Roberts - published by The Goodbook company  (a good  place to begin)

God and the Transgender Debate - what does the Bible actually say about gender identity? - by Andrew T Walker published by The Goodbook company

A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing by Glynn Harrison published by IVP - you can find a very comprehensive guide to the overall content of the book here:   https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/a-better-story-god-sex-and-human-flourishing/

Online Articles:

Gender - where next? - personal journeys, radical agendas & perplexing dilemmas by Christopher Townsend - an article published by the Jubilee Centre which is a Christian social reform organisation that offers a biblical perspective on contemporary issues and underlying trends in society, of relevance to the general public. You can find it here: Gender - where next?

The modern crisis of identity - who am I today by Glynn Harrison (again published by Jubilee Centre and found here :   The modern crisis of identity

Some other helpful articles on the Gospel Coalition Website can be found here:

How writing on transgender changed me   - this is an interview with Andrew T Walker  about his book God and the Transgender debate.

What Christianity alone offers Transgender people  an article by Sam Alberry

What does the Bible say about transgenderism - an article by Kevin DeYoung

Sexuality & Gender - an online report published in 2016 by The New Atlantis which examines findings from  the biological, psychological & social sciences. I haven't read this lengthy piece of work but a number of the books and articles above make reference to it.
You can find the report here Sexuality and Gender